Is it worth it?

Disclaimer: This material or any material within KCC does not constitute medical advice.

What you'll learn from this course:

  1. How to eliminate the toxins coming into your body.
  2. How to purge the toxins that are already inside your body.

I need not explain how a solid foundation in health gives you the ability to aim for the greater things in life and to truly move towards your destiny without being weighed down by toxins.

  • If you want to increase your performance in the gym or in sports, you must to detox.
  • If you want to lose weight, you must to detox.
  • If you want to gain muscle, you must to detox.
  • If you want to improve your mindset and decision making ability through the modulation of your hormones, you must to detox.

It's the last point that has the greatest downstream effects:

Hormonal imbalances shape your thoughts and actions, literally impacting your self image. Therefore, drastic changes in your hormones shape your character, for better or for worse.

Estrogenics are obviously antagonistic to your health and it's for these reasons that you must try your best to detox from them.

My fundamental belief is that one's thoughts and actions shape their character, and one's character shapes their destiny.

These toxins in our food, water and air literally have the power to disrupt your destiny. What this means is that your highest purpose may never be realized if you do not have access to your highest thoughts and actions.

Of course, you don't need to commit to detoxing to achieve your aims in life, but that would be the equivalent of a runner racing with a chain and ball attached to his leg. Sure, he'll reach the finish line at some point, but it'll take forever, be an overall painful experience, and he'll come out on the other hand with health problems. So, not ideal in the slightest.

Indeed, the opposite would be true as well i.e., the runner without the chain and ball attached to his leg would reach the finish line faster, encounter less pain, and come out on the other side with health and vitality.

The Societal Implications:

Indeed, the science is very clear that testosterone levels predict the actions an individual takes and his position in the social hierarchy.

But even all this is something that you know about, or at least suspect.

The thornier problem is what happens at the societal level:

  • What happens to the dynamics of power when men are less rebellious?
  • Did you know that testosterone levels relate to your political associations and overall ability to resist groupthink and authority?
  • Low testosterone is ideal to create a collectivist "utopia" where the central planners can create their ideal society.
  • What happens to social structures when girls hit puberty and become sexually active earlier and earlier every year?

Fraudulent doctors and policy makers are not going to help you. In fact, when the data showed that girls were hitting puberty earlier due to hormonal imbalances, all they did was change the "medically approved age to hit puberty" lower, so that they could hide the fact that something terrible is happening.

What Impact Will This Course Have?

The reason for this course is not just to help you, but indeed to change the destiny of mankind.

But the scope of this course is not limited to endocrine disruption and xenoestrogens. I will also explain heavy metals, EMFs, parasites and more.

What are the results you can expect from this course?

Here's what can be expected, upon following the actionable steps of this course:

  1. Fewer allergic reactions - allergies aren't supposed to be this common. Almost everybody is allergic to something whether it be pollen, nuts, dust, the list goes on. This is not normal.
  2. Better Thyroid Function - Thyroxin controls your basal metabolic rate which informs the efficiency of your body to convert food into energy. This allows you to burn fat at a faster rate. You'll also have more nitric oxide, which increases your performance in the gym, making you more vascular. As an added benefit, you'll see better erections as well.
  3. Better fertility in men and women: It comes as no surprise that the toxins mess men and women up at the genetic level, causing miscarriages and birth defects. If you're looking to have healthy children, get on the detox protocols early i.e., both parents must stay super clean for 6 months before trying to get pregnant.
  4. Less cancer risk - Why are cancer rates always increasing? Some say this is because of better diagnostics, but this is not the case. Even controlling for diagnostic changes, there has been a significant increase in cancer rates. Estrogenics are afoot and it's up to us to purge ourselves of them, reducing our chances of encountering cancer.
  5. Better skin health - Our skin and hair are both health indicators. They're akin to a peacocks' tail, in the sense that they convey to others the overall health of an individual. Heavy metals especially have a big impact on our skin and hair health, along with estrogenics applied to the skin. You will learn to purge these ills from your system.
  6. Testosterone - Will detoxing xenoestrogens actually increase your testosterone? Not directly, but it will increase the ratio of free to bound testosterone because estrogenics increase SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). This is the protein to which testosterone is bound, thereby increasing the amount of bound testosterone. Purging the xenoestrogens is a sure way to access testosterone that your body is already producing but not using.
  7. Fat Loss - Losing fat also helps purge the xenoestrogens. You may know that estrogens are stored in your fat, so combining fat loss alongside a detox will result in compounding positive effects. Indeed, the opposite is also true i.e., fat loss without targeting xenoestrogens is ineffective as they literally turn on this biochemical switch called PPARγ that turns on your fat-storage mode.
  8. Improved Immune System - If you get sick often, your immune system may be compromised by xenoestrogens. Purging yourself of these bad actors will enable you to experience a more robust immune system.

The best part about all this is that you don't need to learn a new skill, or use willpower to benefit from this course. It's just a matter of buying different products and gaining a bit of knowledge. This is the ultimate low hanging fruit for making quantum leaps in your health i.e., detoxifying from estrogenics is extremely high ROI.

Mark this module as complete.


  1. Bonds RS, Midoro-Horiuti T. Estrogen effects in allergy and asthma. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Feb;13(1):92-9. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0b013e32835a6dd6. PMID: 23090385; PMCID: PMC3537328.
  2. Estrogen Signaling Modulates Allergic Inflammation and Contributes to Sex Differences in Asthma, Keselman & Heller
  3. Hidekuni Inadera, The immune system as a target for environmental chemicals: Xenoestrogens and other compounds, Toxicology Letters

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